Life, Liberty, & Happiness

Brilliant Ideas are Practically Worthless

In the world of business and entrepreneurship, there’s a persistent myth: the belief that success is driven by having the best, most groundbreaking idea. This misconception has led many to think that the idea itself is the ultimate prize.But the truth is far less glamorous—though far more impactful. While a great idea is important, it's merely the starting point. True success comes down to one essential factor: Execution.

Many entrepreneurs mistakenly believe their brilliant idea is the key to success.Some even go so far as to become phobic about sharing their idea, guarding it like a treasure, fearful that someone else might run off with their concept and leave them empty-handed. These individuals often cling to their idea with a tight grip, unwilling to share equity with their core team because they think,“This idea is so good, I need to own it all by myself.”


This is one of the most dangerous misconceptions in business. Your idea isn’t the prize. Execution is.


Why Execution Is the Prize


The reality is that a great idea, on its own, is worth very little. Without execution, even the most innovative idea will remain just that—an idea, forever trapped in a realm of potential and unrealized dreams. On the other hand, an ordinary idea with extraordinary execution can turn into a multimillion-dollar business.


Here’s why execution is the real prize:


  1. Execution Brings the Idea to Life
    Ideas, even the most revolutionary ones, are just abstract concepts until someone acts on them. Execution is where the rubber meets the road. It’s where teams are built, prototypes are developed, products are launched, and markets are captured. Without solid execution, your idea will never be more than a thought in your head.
  1. Execution Drives Commitment & Maximizes Value
    Some entrepreneurs believe that owning 100% of their idea is the only way to ensure success. But to truly execute well, you need talented, gritty individuals who are willing to roll up their sleeves and work through the challenging, iterative process of turning an idea into a reality. And the best way to get the level of commitment you need from these individuals is to make them part-owners. When your team feels like they have a stake in the outcome, they give more discretionary effort, go the extra mile, and help drive the business forward. Throughout my career as a founder, the key players who helped me launch and scale businesses all received equity based on their contributions. This wasn’t just a generous gesture—it was a strategic move. These team members weren't simply employees; they were owners, invested in the company’s success, and willing to work tirelessly to execute our shared vision. That ownership mindset motivated everyone to give their all. It wasn’t about hoarding the idea for myself; it was about creating something of value together.
  1. Execution Creates Iteration and Improvement
    No idea is perfect in its initial form. Execution reveals the flaws, helps refine the concept, and allows for pivots when necessary. It’s through the execution process that an idea truly takes shape. The market doesn’t care about potential - it cares about results. Execution is what makes those results possible.


Why You Can’t Afford to Pay for Execution—But You Can Share It


The kind of people you need to execute well—the gritty, resourceful, and talented individuals who can help transform an idea into a business—are often too expensive to hire outright, especially in the early stages of a startup. You simply can’t afford to pay them what they’re worth. But if you give them a stake in the business, a piece of ownership, they’ll be motivated to give far more than just their 9-to-5 effort. They’ll pour their heart and soul into the company because they stand to gain from its success. You always end up with a better product and a more valuable company if you attract people who actually want to own part of the business. This alignment of incentives leads to better execution, stronger commitment, and ultimately, greater success.


A Great IdeaIs Worth $20


At the end of the day, a brilliant idea is worth very little on its own. I often say, “A great idea is worth $20.” But here’s the thing: I’d rather have an ordinary idea that’s worth $10 and execute it to its fullest potential, turning it into millions, than walk around with a $20 idea in my back pocket that never gets off the ground.


Execution Is Everything


Success isn’t about having the best idea—it’s about how well you execute. The market rewards action, not potential. Execution requires perseverance, adaptation, collaboration, and strategic thinking. It’s about doing the work—solving problems, building teams, and overcoming obstacles along the way. It’s not glamorous, and it often involves more failures than successes, but it’s the only way to turn a good idea into a lasting success.


The lesson is simple: Don’t get caught up in the myth of the idea. Focus on execution.That’s where the real value lies.

About Dr. Michael Burcham

Michael is an executive coach, entrepreneur, investor, and strategist with 30 years of experience leading investor-backed, high-growth organizations.

“I built and sold a $40M company with Dr. Burcham as my mentor. This is the thing: if you EVER get the opportunity to learn from this man, from that moment forward, you’ll list him as one of the most influential people in your life, even if you live to be 90. And, you’ll know how lucky you were to have that opportunity and you’ll immediately say YES to any chance to be in his presence again—his wisdom is that impactful.”

Sherry Stewart Deutschmann

Former CEO, Letter Logic

“If you are looking for a trusted mentor and coach for yourself or your leadership team, I highly recommend Michael Burcham. He has worked with me as my executive coach for well over a decade now. Our conversations and his feedback have helped me sharpen my critical thinking skills. He’s a trusted advisor that I can confidentially speak with about any issue—and I know I’ll get valued feedback. I highly recommend him.”

Ryan McGrath

CEO, Asset Living

“Dr. Burcham’s depth and breadth of experience makes even the most ADD entrepreneurial leader sit up and take notes! His coaching skills bring out the ‘best you’ possible. He selflessly shares the good, the bad, and the ugly—leaving you with an authentic and moving experience sure to spur action and professional growth!”

Julie Lenzer

Director, U.S. Department of Commerce


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