Life, Liberty, & Happiness

Savoring the Chocolates

I know that I have less time to live than I have lived.That’s a sobering fact. I feel like a child who was given a box of chocolates.He enjoys eating the candy and when he sees that there is not much left, he starts to eat the chocolates with special care, savoring the taste of each bite.

I know that I have less time to live than I have lived.That’s a sobering fact. I feel like a child who was given a box of chocolates.He enjoys eating the candy and when he sees that there is not much left, he starts to eat the chocolates with special care, savoring the taste of each bite.


I've thoroughly enjoyed my box of chocolates - but as I move into my 60's, I realize there are far fewer pieces of candy left in the box. I realize I must be more intentional with my time and behaviors. As a result, here are a few reflections...


I have no time for endless lectures on public laws - with such a polarized society, little will change. I have no desire to argue with fools. And there's no time to battle the gray.


I avoid meetings where inflated egos boast - often taking credit for simply having good luck. I am disturbed by envious people who try to vilify the most capable to grab their positions and their achievements. Of those who deny truth and science, choosing a more convenient narrative that aligns with their limited view of the world.


I have too little time to discuss headlines - most are engineered as entertainment to feed their audience more of what they wish to believe. My soul is in a hurry. There are too few candies left in the box.


I'm interested in real people. Those who laugh at their mistakes. Those who continue to learn and evolve as they discover a world beyond their biases. Those who do not see others with a different point of view as the enemy. Those who labor for a just cause. I desire the company of those who understand their calling and don't hide from responsibility. Who defend human dignity and want to be on the side of truth, justice and equality. This is what living is for.


I want to surround myself with people who know how to touch the hearts of others. Those who have faced the worst that life can bring through the blows of fate, but have been able to rise and maintain the softness of their soul.


Yes, I hustle. I hustle to live with the intensity that only maturity can give. I'll eat all the chocolates I have left in my box. And each bite will taste better than the ones I have already consumed.


My goal is to reach the end of this journey in harmony with myself, my loved ones and my conscience. I have only one life. I have one shot to make a difference - so I must make it count.

About Dr. Michael Burcham

Michael is an executive coach, entrepreneur, investor, and strategist with 30 years of experience leading investor-backed, high-growth organizations.

“I built and sold a $40M company with Dr. Burcham as my mentor. This is the thing: if you EVER get the opportunity to learn from this man, from that moment forward, you’ll list him as one of the most influential people in your life, even if you live to be 90. And, you’ll know how lucky you were to have that opportunity and you’ll immediately say YES to any chance to be in his presence again—his wisdom is that impactful.”

Sherry Stewart Deutschmann

Former CEO, Letter Logic

“If you are looking for a trusted mentor and coach for yourself or your leadership team, I highly recommend Michael Burcham. He has worked with me as my executive coach for well over a decade now. Our conversations and his feedback have helped me sharpen my critical thinking skills. He’s a trusted advisor that I can confidentially speak with about any issue—and I know I’ll get valued feedback. I highly recommend him.”

Ryan McGrath

CEO, Asset Living

“Dr. Burcham’s depth and breadth of experience makes even the most ADD entrepreneurial leader sit up and take notes! His coaching skills bring out the ‘best you’ possible. He selflessly shares the good, the bad, and the ugly—leaving you with an authentic and moving experience sure to spur action and professional growth!”

Julie Lenzer

Director, U.S. Department of Commerce


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